"My Bibliography": National Library of Medicine, NIH, USA - newest first
Google scholar ~ 2,200 citations - most cited first (three papers around 300+)
h-index = 19, i10-index = 22 (2024)
(underlined titles with external links to full texts)
Liquid Biopsy and Cancer
Eibl and Schneemann
DOI: 10.1007/16833_2024_288
SPRINGER NATURE (June 29, 2024)
Medulloblastoma Diagnosis
ENCYCLOPEDIA (04 March 2023)
URL: https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/41874
41 --- AWARD-WINNING "Highly Cited Paper Award 2024" ---
Liquid Biopsy and Glioblastoma
Eibl RH, Schneemann M
Exploration of Targeted Anti-tumor Therapy 2023;4:28–41.
(25 February 2023)
Medulloblastoma: From TP53 Mutations to Molecular Classification and Liquid Biopsy
Eibl and Schneemann
Biology 2023, 12, 267. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology12020267
39 (preprint)
Medulloblastoma: From TP53 Mutations to Molecular Classification and Liquid Biopsy.
Preprints 2022, 2022120300 doi: 10.20944/preprints202212.0300.v1
38 (preprint)
Liquid biopsy and glioblastoma.
Preprints 2022, 2022120363. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202212.0363.v1
37 --- with COVER PICTURE --- one cover page for TWO articles
Liquid Biopsy for Monitoring Medulloblastoma
Eibl RH and Schneemann M
Extracellular Vesicles and Circulating Nucleic Acids
(September 2022) DOI: 10.20517/evcna.2022.36
36 --- AWARD-WINNING "Best paper of the year" ---
Cell-free DNA as a biomarker in cancer
Eibl RH and Schneemann M
Extracellular Vesicles and Circulating Nucleic Acids (August 2022)
DOI: 10.20517/evcna.2022.20
Liquid Biopsy of Brain Tumors
Robert Eibl
URL: https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/15968
34 highly-cited !!! (46x in about 2 years)
Liquid Biopsy and Primary Brain Tumors
Eibl RH and Schneemann M
Academic Editors: Nikolas von Bubnoff and Florian Scherer
Cancers 2021, 13(21), 5429;
Community Standards for Open Cell Migration Data
Gonzalez-Beltran AN, Masuzzo P, Ampe C, Bakker GJ, Besson S, Eibl RH et al.
Gigascience, 9, 5 (2020),
Oxford academic (very good journal, high impact factor I.F. ~7 !)
32-28 (Rxiv, or in preparation, snipped)
Eibl RH
Comment on "A method to measure cellular adhesion utilizing a polymer micro-cantilever" [Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 123702 (2013)]
Applied Physics Letters
(Impact Factor: 3.79 --- TOP Physics Journal !!! was best in >100 journals of applied physics). (2014); 104(23):online. DOI: 10.1063/1.4882182
26 (33 pages)
(1/2013 - available online - click on link):
Single-Molecule Studies of Integrins by AFM-Based Force Spectroscopy on Living Cells
Eibl, Robert H.
Scanning Probe Microscopy in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 3
137-169, ISBN 978-3-642-25414-7_6 (2013)
2.3k paid Downloads (!!!)
25 (19 pages)
Cell adhesion receptors studied by AFM-based single-molecule force spectroscopy.
Eibl, Robert H.
In: Scanning Probe Microscopy in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2, Bhushan B. (Editor), Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-10496-1, p p. 197-215 (2011)
2.9k paid Dowonloads (!!!)
Atomic force microscopy measurements of protein-ligand interactions on living cells.
Eibl RH and Moy VT
In: Protein-Ligand Interactions
Editor: G.Ulrich Nienhaus, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 438-450, ISBN 978-1617375255 (2010)
~4k Downloads (now FREE)
23 (31 pages)
Eibl, Robert H.
Direct Force Measurements of Receptor-Ligand Interactions on living cells.
In: Applied Scanning Probe Methods XII - Characterization. Bhushan B, Fuchs H (Editors), Springer, pp. 1-31, (2009)
Eibl RH (my hypothesized Nobel prize work)
First measurement of physiologic VLA-4 activation by SDF-1 at the single-molecule level on a living cell.
In: Advances in Single Molecule Research for Biology and Nanoscience. Hinterdorfer P, Schuetz G, Pohl P (Editors),
Trauner, Linz, p40-43, ISBN 3854991630 (2007)
Eibl RH and Moy VT
Atomic force microscopy measurements of protein-ligand interactions on living cells.
Methods Mol Biol. 305:439-50 (2005)
Pax M, Rieger J, Eibl RH, Thielemann C, Johannsmann D
Measurements of fast fluctuations of viscoelastic properties with the quartz crystal microbalance.
The Analyst, (130): 1474-1477 (2005)
Eibl RH
Atomic force microscopy measurement of SDF-1 mediated affinity modulation of single VLA-4 - VCAM-1 bonds.
In: Immunology 2004: Cytokine Network, Regulatory Cells, Signaling and Apoptosis. Monduzzi Ed. (Editor: E. Skamene), MEDIMOND S.r.l., Bologna, Italy, (1):115-120 ISBN 978-88-7587-070-6 (2004)
Eibl RH, Benoit M
Molecular resolution of cell adhesion forces.
IEE - Nanobiotechnology 151(3):128-132 (2004), ISSN: 1478-1581
Eibl RH and Moy VT
AFM-based adhesion measurements of single receptor-ligand bonds on living cells.
In: Recent Research Developments in Biophysics, Transworld Research Network, Trivandrum, India, (3): 235-246, (2004)
ISBN 81-7895-130-4
Preuss I, Haas S, Eichhorn U, Eberhagen I, Kaufmann M, Beck T, Eibl RH, Dall P, Bauknecht T, Hengstler J, Wittig BM, Dippold W, Kaina B
Activity of the DNA repair protein O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase in human tumor and corresponding normal tissue.
Cancer Detection and Prevention 1996;20(2):130-136
Eibl RH, Pietsch T, Moll J, Skroch-Angel P, Heider KH, von Ammon K, Wiestler OD, Ponta H, Kleihues P, Herrlich P
Expression of variant CD44 epitopes in human astrocytic brain tumors.
Journal of Neuro-Oncology 1995 Dec;26(3):165-170
Preuss I, Eberhagen I, Haas S, Eibl RH, Kaufmann M, von Minckwitz G, Kaina B
O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase activity in breast and brain tumors.
International Journal of Cancer 1995 May 4;61(3):321-326
Eibl RH, Kleihues P, Jat PS, Wiestler OD
A model for primitive neuroectodermal tumors in transgenic neural transplants harboring the SV40 large T antigen.
American Journal of Pathology 1994 Mar;144(3):556-564
Ohgaki H, Eibl RH, Schwab M, Reichel MB, Mariani L, Gehring, M, Petersen I, Holl T, Wiestler OD, Kleihues P
Mutations of the p53 tumor suppressor gene in neoplasms ofthe human nervous system.
Molecular Carcinogenesis 1993;8(2):74-80
(Citations in Science Citation Index: >>150)
Louis DN, von Deimling A, Chung RY, Rubio MP, Whaley JM, Eibl RH, Ohgaki H, Wiestler OD, Thor AD, Seizinger BR
Comparative study of p53 gene and protein alterations in human astrocytic tumors.
Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology 1993 Jan;52(1):31-38(Citations in Science Citation Index: >>150)
Radner H, el-Shabrawi Y, Eibl RH, Brustle O, Kenner L, Kleihues P, Wiestler OD
Tumor induction by ras and myc oncogenes in fetal and neonatal brain: modulating effects of developmental stage and retroviral dose.
Acta Neuropathologica (Berl) 1993;86(5):456-465
Wiestler OD, Brustle O, Eibl RH, Radner H, Von Deimling A,
Plate K, Aguzzi A, Kleihues P
A new approach to the molecular basis of neoplastic transformation in the brain.
Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 1992 Oct;18(5):443- 453
Wiestler OD, Aguzzi A, Schneemann M, Eibl R, von Deimling A, Kleihues P
Oncogene complementation in fetal brain transplants.
Cancer Research 1992 Jul 1;52(13):3760-3767
von Deimling A, Eibl RH, Ohgaki H, Louis DN, von Ammon K, Petersen I, Kleihues P, Chung RY, Wiestler OD, Seizinger BR
p53 mutations are associated with 17p allelic loss in grade II and grade III astrocytoma.
Cancer Research 1992 May 15;52(10):2987-2990
(Citations in Science Citation Index: >>200)
Wiestler OD, Brustle O, Eibl RH, Radner H, Aguzzi A, Kleihues P
Retrovirus-mediated oncogene transfer into neural transplants.
Brain Pathology 1992 Jan;2(1):47-59
Ohgaki H, Eibl RH, Wiestler OD, Yasargil MG, Newcomb EW, Kleihues P
p53 mutations in nonastrocytic human brain tumors.
Cancer Research 1991 Nov 15;51(22):6202-6205
(Citations in Science Citation Index: >>150)
Wiestler OD, Brustle O, Eibl RH, Radner H, Aguzzi A, Kleihues P
Oncogene transfer into the brain.
In: Recent Results in Cancer Research 1994;135:55-66
Kleihues P, Ohgaki H, Eibl RH, Reichel MB, Mariani L, Gehring, M, Petersen I, Höll T, von Deimling A, Wiestler OD, Schwab M
Type and frequency of p53 mutations in tumors of the nervous system and its coverings.
In: Recent Results in Cancer Research 1994;135:25-31
Wiestler OD, Aguzzi A, Brüstle O, Eibl R, Radner H, Kleihues P
Oncogene complementation in transgenic neural transplants.
Neuropathology, 4:304-309 (1991)
Eibl RH, Wiestler OD.
Induction of primitive neuroectodermal tumors following retrovirus-mediated transfer of SV40 large T antigen into neural transplants. Zülch symposium on growth control and neoplastic transformation in the brain.
Clin Neuropathol 1991;10:248-9.
Eibl R
Klonierung eines genomischen DNA-Fragments mit für Lamin C codierenden Sequenzen
Grin-Verlag, München, ISBN 3638951154 (2008)
Eibl R
Klonierung eines genomischen DNA-Fragments mit für Lamin C codierenden Sequenzen
Grin-Verlag, München, e-Book: http://www.grin.com/e-book/93884 (2008)
Eibl R
Klonierung eines genomischen DNA-Fragments mit für Lamin C codierenden Sequenzen
Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg + Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, 1990.
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (Hochschulschrift): https://d-nb.info/910594104