- incl. 5,000 US$ "Dean's fellowship" from Stanford University School of Medicine (long time ago, see below) -
03/2025 Surprisingly selected for scholarship awards of 10,500 US$ for selected courses of a US university (but I don't accept it)
2/2025 "Highly Cited Paper Award" for Liquid Biopsy and Glioblastoma
11/2024 Awarded "Reviewer of the month" - with interview
2024 Surprisingly selected for scholarship awards of 2,000 and later 6,000 US$ for selected courses of a US university (but I don't accept it)
2023 Awarded "Best paper of the year" (see Welcome page, also got the Cover Page earlier)
2023 Full membership to Sigma Xi
- the Scientific Research Honor Society
- by nomination only, I met only a few full members before
- over 230 Nobel prize winners, like Einstein
2023 Selected for scholarship award of 8,400 US$ for an "Executive MBA" at a US University (but I didn't accept it)
2011 Marquis' Who's Who in SCIENCE and Engeneering
2010 Marquis' Who's Who in the WORLD
2009 Immunology Meeting/Heidelberg
2009 Marquis' Who's Who in MEDICINE and Healthcare
2006 Marquis' Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare
2005 CNRS biphysics meeting Montpellier, France
2005 Poster Award, 1st Spring School on Immunology (Prof. Fritz Melchers, the "Nobel Laureate - maker"), Kloster Ettal, Bavaria
2004 German Scholar Organization (GSO) stipend, with flight support from Miami and Marriott Hotel Boston, presentation at "Harvard Faculty Club"
2004 Poster Presentation Award (500 EUR), DKFZ Heidelberg
2003 National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded position, Co-Investigator, University of Miami
2002 Max Planck Society, travel/meeting participation awards (about 3.000 EUR) for American Association of Immunologists/ meetings at Stanford University/USA (to also transport rare cells on dry ice to Germany, which I asked for years before), Madrid/Spain, Lugano/Switzerland, Groningen/The Netherlands, Wiesbaden/Germany
2002 Travel Award (from Prof. Hermann E. Gaub, about 2000 EUR), Center for NanoScience and Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich
2002 Governmental DFG travel stipend for Keystone symposium/Steamboat Springs, CO, U.S.A. and to meet with Prof. Tim Springer (Harvard University)
2001 Travel awards (about 8.000 EUR) from Technical University of Munich/Prof. H. Höfler to: Stockholm/Sweden, Berlin/Germany, Stanford University/USA
2000 Winner in MBPW (1000 DM/500 EUR), Germany's largest regional business plan competition (Munich) - three additional nominations later, winning two business meetings at Castle Elmau/Bavaria (worth about 2.000 EUR)
1999 ad hoc Deans fellowship, Stanford University (5.000 USD), plus Visa extention
1999 Travel award to present at MRS - Metastasis Research Society meeting in San Diego (USD 1.000 support from Irving L. Weissman)
1999 Tuition sponsoring / Stanford University (about 7.000 USD; half from Weissman-lab)
1997 DFG stipend for Stanford University, U.S.A. (researcher salary) for 2 years Immunology/Pathology
1996 DFG stipend for Harvard University/Immunology/Pathology (funding for 2 years for Ivan Stamenkovic's lab - but not started)
1995 EU-funded Human Capital and Mobility Programm (stipend for The Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB) Heraklion, Crete, Greece, funding for 3 years; with Prof. Nicolas P. Anagnou)
1992 stipend from Nobel prize winner Prof. Georges Köhler / Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology - practical course / 2 weeks on gene targeting (only 8 international participants accepted, incl. one other German)
1992 Travel award for meeting and presentation at Graz, University of Bonn, Institute of Neuropathology
1992 Research Center Karlsruhe - travel support for few meetings
1991 Basel Institute of Immunology (Prof. Fritz Melchers, the "Nobel Laureate - maker" - invited young investigator (20 international stipends)
1990 University of Zürich/Pathology (Proff. Kleihues/Heitz/Wiestler, and later Nobel Laureate Rolf Zinkernagel) - Awarded to participate at Oncogene Meeting in Frederick,/USA, scientific visits in San Diego (SALK, UCSD) and Boston (Harvard University/MGH), total about 4.000 SFR.
1985 Invited by "Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung", an organization to support young talents, to a weekend in the Konrad Adenauer Haus, Bonn (Recommended by Proff. H. Schimassek and Prof. J. Bille, Heads of Biochemsitry and Physics, Univ. of Heidelberg) - I was confirmed to be one of the very best in the IQ-test (of the 1300 invited), but politically too clearly against the risks of nuclear energy - therefore not acceptable for a conservative ideology.
1984 Invited by the "Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes", an organization to support young talents, to a weekend in the Black Forest (Recommended by the Head of Physics, Professor Josef Bille, Heidelberg) - originally, I was told by a biophysicist from Freiburg to be accepted. Unfortunately, I was probably too expensive and then 6 professors' sons were accepted instead of me.
1986 University of Heidelberg: Summer exchange student at University of Montpellier, France
1985 University of Montpellier, Medical Faculty and Maison de Heidelberg, France: Medical Training and financial support (Prof. Pierre Carabalona, Head of Surgery, and Mr. Brenner, Director Maison de Heidelberg in Montpellier)
1983 Visiting student, Avignon, Montpellier, Perpignan, southern France (stipend)
1982 Teaching at school (Botanics and Chemistry)
1982 Exchange student, Sommieres, southern France (school award, stipend)
1981 Botanic Excursion, Gerardmer, France (school award)